Union Gulf Recruitment

Production Supervisor Well

Supervises the operations of the well head towers and field activities, including well test using test vessel and MPFM and test separators, ensure all field work and changes are carried out according to company rules and regulations, efficiency and safely, carries out fields and plant operating plant and field processes through VDU / DCS, monitors globally and takes suitable action.

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Company Union Gulf Recruitment
Experience 5 - 10 Years
Salary ---
United Arab Emirates
Union Gulf Recruitment

Senior Turbine and Compressor Control Technicians

Schedule and direct a crew of Maintenance Technicians; train and provide work direction and guidance while performing work. Receives daily assignments from instrument Supervisor and reports back to him. Following are the main job duties and responsibilities to be carried out on both live and shutdown plant

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Company Union Gulf Recruitment
Experience 5 - 10 Years
Salary ---
United Arab Emirates
Union Gulf Recruitment

Senior Control System Technician

Lead the New Field Operations Division through the detailed engineering, construction and commissioning for wide range of electrical instrumentation, telecommunication, Computer & PLC based control systems. Planning, direct supervision and controls of the operation and maintenance activities of the facilities in line with the Maintenance Strategy & Policy.

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Company Union Gulf Recruitment
Experience 8 - 10 Years
Salary ---
United Arab Emirates
Union Gulf Recruitment

Site Integrity Service Engineer

Plans, co-ordinates and supervises the inspection activities necessary to monitor the condition of all offshore plant equipment structure and facilities installed above sea level, to ensure all plant and equipment is maintained in good working order.

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Company Union Gulf Recruitment
Experience 5 - 6 Years
Salary ---
United Arab Emirates
Union Gulf Recruitment

Business and Finance Planning Expert

Business and finance Planning Adviser would assist Business Planning & Performance Department as well as Finance Department Manager to improve the quality of financial processes and controls within business planning across the company. He will assist Senior Managers in preparation of company Annual Operation & Capex plans with related budgets and in projection of their long term cash flows. And will also undertake Maximum Allowable Revenue calculation, Price Control Return submission and audit; Separate Business Account submission and Audit.

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Company Union Gulf Recruitment
Experience 10 - 16 Years
Salary ---
United Arab Emirates
Union Gulf Recruitment

Tariff Affairs and Reform Specialist

Tariff Adviser has the role within the company of reviewing, analyzing and recommending company policies, plans, systems and procedures for electricity and water tariffs and ensuring that senior managers are able to negotiate effectively with stakeholders on tariff—related issues

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Company Union Gulf Recruitment
Experience 10 - 16 Years
Salary ---
United Arab Emirates
Union Gulf Recruitment

Change Management Expert

Change Management Manager/Adviser is responsible for development of change management structure for organization from strategy to detailed plans and to undertake their implementation and follow up to support the company managers and staff during the organization's transformation into a world class utilities business company. He would direct and manage programs to improve Company’s business performance

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Company Union Gulf Recruitment
Experience 10 - 16 Years
Salary ---
United Arab Emirates
Union Gulf Recruitment

Innovation & Creativity Specialist

Develops new and innovative insights/viewpoints into given situations according to work requirements, encourage to adopt new ideas and innovative work practices, use of modest technology & technical know how, while simultaneously discouraging the staff to shun the old, ageing, obsolete & conventional work processes & systems delivery practices; set-forth the innovative ideas, feasibility plans, details, designs and implementation process for latest available technologies, programs, processes and working methods.

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Company Union Gulf Recruitment
Experience 12 - 16 Years
Salary ---
United Arab Emirates
Union Gulf Recruitment

Senior Excellence And Organizational Specialist

Responsible for managing and implementing Business Excellence Models and executing Company’s Excellence Strategy, Create and maintain a structured approach for managing the ownership, execution and monitoring of EFQM Roadmap. Design approaches to improve services & performance to meet Company’s vision. Play a leading role in the development and management Company’s excellence activities within the framework of the company strategic plan.

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Company Union Gulf Recruitment
Experience 10 - 16 Years
Salary ---
United Arab Emirates
Union Gulf Recruitment

Business Support Specialist

Manages and organizes corporate & internal performance indicators as well as aligns departmental performance with corporate plans and strategies. Assists the business units in developing their departmental business plans and other plans where appropriate in liaison with senior managers and departmental staff

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Company Union Gulf Recruitment
Experience 7 - 15 Years
Salary ---
United Arab Emirates
Union Gulf Recruitment

Senior Electricity Audit Engineer

Plans, implements and monitors the suitable program for Energy Accounting & Economics, Energy Audits & Instrumentation, Energy Efficient Equipment, and Energy Management Systems and promote an efficient Lighting & Maintenance program.

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Company Union Gulf Recruitment
Experience 10 - 16 Years
Salary ---
United Arab Emirates
Union Gulf Recruitment

Senior Water Audit Engineer

Plans, implements and monitors the suitable program for Water Accounting & Economics, Water Saving Audits & Instrumentation, Water Efficient Equipment, and Water Management Systems.

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Company Union Gulf Recruitment
Experience 10 - 15 Years
Salary ---
United Arab Emirates